Family of Doctorz

Band of (Medical) Brothers =D

Saturday, August 22, 2009

2nd Yr Timetable

Dear 2nd Yr MMA students..

Our timetable is out yo ( its been out for quite sum time i jus din realise >.< )! If u dun have it u can check it out rite here..

For those in Group 1 & Group 2 ( my group ^^ ) this is our schedule =O

Monday ---------> 1000 - 1140 : Medic Care

Tuesday ---------> 1020 - 1120 : Biochem Lecture

Wednesday ----> 0930 - 1400 : Physiology
----------------------> 1420 - 1600 : Histology Lecture

Thursday --------> 0900 - 1040 : Physiology Lecture
-----------------------> 1100 - 1200 : Anatomy Lecture
-----------------------> 1210 - 1530 : Anatomy

Friday ------------> 1230 - 1600 : Biochem

Saturday ---------> 0900 - 1130 : Histology