Ladies and gentlemen..
This post is meant to create awareness to u ppl who use public toilets..
The following pictures maybe.. disturbing to some..
So here's how a mediocre inconsiderate citizen will use the toilet to avoid being in contact wit the filthy surface of a filthy public toilet.
Yea.. they squat on the toilet bowl wit their shoes on.
Here's a proper way YOU shd do it..
Or else... ( here's the part where u dun scroll down if u cant stand gory pictures.. )
Jus in case u really dun wanna look at the pictures.. A case was reported when a girl sat on the toilet bowl.. and the toilet bowl broke while she was sitting in it, causing.. well.. umm.. lets jus say its a REALLY HUGE cut.. a huge chunk of meat got cut off *shudder*
wanna see it? SCROLL DOWN!
So pls becareful.
Its better to be safe than sorry.
Take care.
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