Family of Doctorz

Band of (Medical) Brothers =D

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Somebody get me outta 513..

This actions from the clowns I call blockmates who preach to me about maintaining our block's cleanliness and always come after me whenever i miss a single day of duty.

Well i only got one thing to say to those clowns..


Bloody noisy buggers.

And to my roommate.

Stop banging ur damn girlfriend in front of me. Sick of hearing all those sounds and bed creaking n moanings.

And really.. y do most Brazilians have the inability the shut up? 24/7 talking worse than those sampat ah por goin around the neighbourhood gossiping at every moment.

One moment on phone. Another on skype. then bring noisy frens over. after that on phone n skype again. Heck he even sleeptalks..