Yea thats my bed.. XD
and my bookshelf!
Before Gabriel moved out the room was in a MESSED UP condition.. everything was everywhere and anywhere. things can be anywhere u can ever imagine. frm the window sill to under luggages and the bed. so we had to clean up the mess Gabriel left for us. but its in a good way as we managed to make our room frm the messiest to one of the nicest now! wit our personal touch in it XD
us cleaning up the junk everywhere..
and this is my very own personal table which Brandon and Bryan kindly gave me to use haha..
Thats my table! wit my comp.. my timetable ( white paper on wall ), calendar ( on wall ), supplements near my table lamp and on the right corner is the beverage corner ( for the late night studies ).
We're gonna miss Gabriel now that he's gone and all of his funny sleeping antics.. HAHA..
we're gonna miss all of these!
and many more.. lol but i guess we still can see him in classes and lectures!
ALL THE BEST TO GABRIEL in KAHOV! He n Terry 1st 2 ppl to get a perma hostel frm Pushkin.
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