Here's wat happened these past few days..
Thursday ( 27/11/08 )
Anatomy class.. finally get to see a cadaver!!
But.. Its not wat we expected..
The cadaver is practically.. ROTTEN.
I jus hope our anatomy oral examination does not involve the cadaver.
Here's how the cadaver looks like..
Scroll down quickly if u dun wanna see it!
Here's the dude. We can barely study his muscles. There's practically nothing left!
The other anatomy lecturer showing us the facial muscles.. Its all shredded!! Cant see nothing!
We ( the ones who cud stand the smell ) stayed back after the lecturer left tryin to identify the muscles during our break time. Thats us with the 1st cadaver showing us the muscles of the back.
And thats the anterior part of the 2nd cadaver.. ( notice the gloved hand at the bottom of the pic.. proof that the cadaver is a dude )
After we returned to class i still had some spare time so i went over to my frens' class and i saw this..
YUMMY.... You DEFINITELY noe wat is that..
Ok then after that our lecturer went off topic ( as usual ) about India and showed off his new camera ( Canon ) and camcorder ( Sony ).
He jus randomly came into class with the box and started taking pics of us but unfortunately he doesn't noe how to operate his camera.. LOL wei n he got his favourite student to show him how n take a pic or two for him wit half the class.
Clearly he doesn't noe how to operate it either.. LOL.
The he spent the rest of the lesson amusing himself wit his camera.. He asked us to "self-study".. which he always does. haha funny fella..
Friday ( 28/11/08 )
The day went on as usual.. With Gen Chem in the morning and Physics lecture in the afternoon. Nothing interesting till i was on the way back with Puay Hua.
At Kurskaya Station.. i was walking towards the train. Suddenly someone grabbed my hand. I was so scared i tot i was gonna get mugged or sumtin.. But turns out that guy asked me in Russian.. "R u frm M'sia?" WOW. Surprised but relieved altogether. I was surprised i understood his Russian n capable of answering him back in Russian too. I replied " Yes i'm frm Malaysia". He said he was frm Bangkok and asked whether i'm studying in MGU.. I said NO i am studying in MMA. Then he asked whether i'm studying engineering but i said no i'm studying medicine n he smiled n asked me wat yr am i in. I said i'm in yr 1 n he stated he's a computer programmer working in Moscow. Then he advised me to do well in my studies and master Russian Language better. We shook hands and parted ways. That incident made my day. Always a pleasure to meet a frenly face close to home..
Went home wit a smile on my face after that..